Minggu, 03 November 2019

Google wants to give doctors web-like searches for medical records - Engadget

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Tom Werner via Getty Images

Google made much ado of its recently created Health unit, but it didn't offer much insight into what that division would actually... well, do. Now, however, it's considerably clearer. Google Health lead David Feinberg and CNBC sources have outlined some of the ideas his team has, and they revolve around (surprise!) search for both you and your doctor. Feinberg envisions a search bar that would help doctors search medical records like they do the web. A doctor could search for "87" to find an 87-year-old patient instead of using the patient's name, as an example.

An insider also claimed that Google is considering a Flights-style dedicated search experience for health. You could research conditions without wading through the regular web to find trustworthy info.

It's not certain how close either idea is to fruition, and CNBC's tipster warned that it wasn't certain the Google search team would sign off on the dedicated health search. Google might have to ditch advertising on the health page. They do indicate how Google Health and Feinberg are thinking, however, and give you a hint of what to expect in the future.

Whatever comes about, Feinberg may have been busy behind the scenes. Other CNBC sources claim he's been "building bridges" to improve health-related searches in Google and YouTube, such as downplaying videos that push anti-vaccination myths. The team could be very busy bolstering your healthcare experiences -- it just isn't particularly apparent yet.

All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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2019-11-03 13:10:42Z

Windows ‘BlueKeep’ Attack That U.S. Government Warned About Is Happening Right Now - Forbes

When Microsoft issued the first patch in years for Windows XP in May 2019, you knew that something big was brewing. That something was a wormable Windows vulnerability that security experts warned could have a similar impact as the WannaCry worm from 2017. The BlueKeep vulnerability exists in unpatched versions of Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2: and it’s now been confirmed that a BlueKeep exploit attack is currently ongoing.

A little bit of BlueKeep history

Microsoft twice warned users to update vulnerable Windows systems, first on May 14, and then again with even more urgency on May 30. Those warnings appeared to go unheeded in enough numbers to warrant an escalation on the update alerts. On June 4, the National Security Agency (NSA) took the unusual step of publishing an advisory urging Microsoft Windows administrators to update their operating system or risk a "devastating" and "wide-ranging impact" in the face of a growing threat. This warning was given even more gravitas on June 17 when the U.S. Government, via the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), issued an "update now" activity alert. At much the same time, security researchers were predicting that a "devastating" BlueKeep exploit was only weeks away.

The Windows BlueKeep exploit attack

Security researchers, including Kevin Beaumont who originally named the vulnerability and Marcus Hutchins (also known as MalwareTech) who was responsible for hitting the kill switch that stopped the WannaCry, have confirmed that a widespread BlueKeep exploit attack is now currently underway. Hutchins told Wired that "BlueKeep has been out there for a while now. But this is the first instance where I’ve seen it being used on a mass scale."

It would appear that rather than a wormable threat, where the BlueKeep exploit could spread itself from one machine to another, the attackers are searching for vulnerable unpatched Windows systems that have Remote Desktop Services (RDP) 3389 ports exposed to the internet. This dampens the panic that there could be another WannaCry about to happen, although the potential for such a scenario, albeit on a much smaller scale, certainly remains. For now though, this looks like being an attack campaign with a cryptocurrency miner payload.

BlueKeep exploit attack mitigation

While there is always the possibility that the threat actors behind this attack could drop more malicious payloads than a crypto-miner, for now, this acts as yet another warning for users of the 700,000 or so still vulnerable Windows systems to get patching. Cryptocurrency miners are resource hogs at best, and a roadmap that further malware installations could follow. In the case of this attack, though, there's another problem to be aware of: the exploit code isn't all that. It would appear that the attackers are using the demo exploit code released by the Metasploit team at Rapid7 in September 2019, but without enough coding skills to get this to work without it causing a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) error.

Seriously folks, if you are using one of the vulnerable versions of Windows, then what more is it going to take to get you to apply the update that fixes the BlueKeep vulnerability? I'd have thought that a wormable exploit, even if it hasn't been "wormed" on this occasion, that vampires your system resources or crashed your machine was warning enough. But, hey, what do I know?

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2019-11-03 09:43:14Z

Google wants to give doctors web-like searches for medical records - Engadget

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Tom Werner via Getty Images

Google made much ado of its recently created Health unit, but it didn't offer much insight into what that division would actually... well, do. Now, however, it's considerably clearer. Google Health lead David Feinberg and CNBC sources have outlined some of the ideas his team has, and they revolve around (surprise!) search for both you and your doctor. Feinberg envisions a search bar that would help doctors search medical records like they do the web. A doctor could search for "87" to find an 87-year-old patient instead of using the patient's name, as an example.

An insider also claimed that Google is considering a Flights-style dedicated search experience for health. You could research conditions without wading through the regular web to find trustworthy info.

It's not certain how close either idea is to fruition, and CNBC's tipster warned that it wasn't certain the Google search team would sign off on the dedicated health search. Google might have to ditch advertising on the health page. They do indicate how Google Health and Feinberg are thinking, however, and give you a hint of what to expect in the future.

Whatever comes about, Feinberg may have been busy behind the scenes. Other CNBC sources claim he's been "building bridges" to improve health-related searches in Google and YouTube, such as downplaying videos that push anti-vaccination myths. The team could be very busy bolstering your healthcare experiences -- it just isn't particularly apparent yet.

All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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2019-11-03 09:06:44Z

Pixel Watch: Google just dropped two billion hints that it plans to finally launch a watch - Express

After years of rumours, Google looks as if it’s about to get very serious about smartwatches. The , developed by the same industrial design team behind the likes of the , Google Home, and PixelBook, was allegedly pulled at the eleventh hour before it was unveiled on-stage during one of the Mountain View-based company’s annual Made By Google hardware showcases.

It’s unclear why the smartwatch was ditched from the portfolio. However, it seems Google has decided it’s ready to think again.

Google’s parent company, Alphabet Inc, has bought smartwatch and fitness tracking manufacturer Fitbit for a whopping $2.1billion. The company, which is behind wearables including Fitbit Versa 2, Versa Lite, Charge 3, and connected home products like the Aria Smart Scales, will now report to Google Senior Vice President of Devices, Rick Osterloh.

The Google SVP is already in-charge of ensuring the company has a unified approach to design. Speaking about the acquisition, Osterloh said it was “an opportunity to invest even more in Wear OS as well as introduce Made by Google wearable devices into the market".

The acquisition makes a lot of sense.

Google has managed to build a very successful line of smartphones, with the Pixel 4 and 4 XL being the most recent additions to the portfolio. Its connected home range, including the Google Nest Mini, Nest Max, and Nest Hub, has also enjoyed a huge amount of success.

However, the Californian company has struggled to translate that success into other product lines, most notably its pricey PixelBook range, or the (currently) non-existent wearable and smartwatch department.

Buying Fitbit could change that overnight.

Fitbit has always been widely-praised for its build quality and feature set. However, the company has struggled against increased smartwatch competition from high-end fitness trackers, like Garmin, and the tight-integration with iOS and design offered by consumer brands, like Apple.

Operating inside Google will surely allow Fitbit products – provided they continue to be branded as such – to offer close ties with Google’s existing Google Fit health apps as well as faster pairing à la Pixel Buds. On the flip side, Google could nab some of Fitbit’s extraordinary social features, including head-to-head competitions with friends and challenges and medals to keep users motivated towards their goal.

Google Fit does not currently offer menstrual tracking, something Fitbit has boasted for a long time.

Following the acquisition announcement, Fitbit issued a statement to reassure existing users that it’s new position inside the search giant would not alter its stance on securing health and fitness data. It states, “Fitbit health and wellness data will not be used for Google ads”.

The latest move comes as Google announced a deal to buy $40 million worth of Fossil’s smartwatch technology back in January. Fossil was already one of a handful of premium brands building smartwatches on Google’s open-source wearable operating system, Wear OS.

Combining the hardware know-how of the Fitbit team with the smartwatch technology used to power Fossil, Google could be poised to build a truly competitive Pixel Watch to take on the best-selling Apple Watch range for the first time under the watchful eye of Rick Osterloh.

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2019-11-03 06:01:00Z

Sabtu, 02 November 2019

Here's how Fitbit can help fix Wear OS - Engadget

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Now that Google's acquisition of Fitbit is official, the question is what the search giant will do with it. When the news broke on Friday, Google's Rick Osterloh said the company sees the deal as an "opportunity to invest even more in Wear OS, as well as introduce Made by Google wearable devices." For the time being, then, it looks like Google plans to leverage Fitbit's expertise to another push into wearables.

Earlier this week, we speculated on some of the ways in which Google's purchase of Fitbit would be bad for wearables. However, there are a lot of things Google could learn from Fitbit to make Wear OS a compelling platform. The important thing here is that Google doesn't do what it has seemingly done in every other situation like this, which is to change its mind after only a short while.

Make fitness fun and easy


It's fair to say that Wear OS is already a competent smartwatch platform. What it lacks is a strong fitness component. There's a lot Google could learn from Fitbit here. To start, the most important lesson is to make the experience fun. For a lot of people, working out is a chore. What Fitbit has always done well is add a sense of whimsy to something as mundane as walking 10,000 steps a day. Anytime you finish your step goal or walk after a long period of sitting, Fitbit makes it a cause for celebration with splashy graphics and words of encouragement.

Robust heart rate tracking is a must

If the first new wearable Google releases doesn't feature Fitbit's PurePulse heart rate tracking technology, then the acquisition will have been a missed opportunity. More so than any other hardware feature, PurePulse is the reason to buy a Fitbit wearable. After some initial foibles, the feature feels both consistent and accurate. Moreover, one of the smartest things Fitbit has done in the last few years is make the tech more affordable. What used to be a feature limited to the company's more expensive trackers is now something you can get on the $100 Inspire HR. Reliable heart rate tracking should be a standard feature on Wear OS devices, not a nice add-on.

There's a lot of ways in which Fitbit's PurePulse heart rate tracking could make Wear OS a more compelling platform. One example is Fitbit's Cardio Fitness Score feature, which leverages the company's heart rate tracking to provide you with an easy to understand way to improve your fitness level. Heart rate tracking should be at the center of any attempt Google makes to try and create a compelling fitness platform because it would allow the company to most directly match the Apple Watch's more advanced fitness features.

Fitbit is more than just Fitbit

Fitbit Inspire and Inspire HR

In 2016, Fitbit purchased smartwatch startup Pebble's talent and intellectual property. It's hard to say what came out of that purchase other than the Fitbit App Gallery, which was created with help from some of the talent Fitbit acquired in the deal. The fact Fitbit seemingly never did more with Pebble's tech seemed a missed opportunity. Pebble had a lot of interesting ideas about how smartwatches could complement a smartphone, particularly as it relates to notifications and user interface.

In addition to Pebble, through Fitbit, Google has also acquired talent and technology from Vector, Coin, Fitstar and Twine Health. Between Friday's acquisition and its Fossil purchase earlier this year, the company now has a wealth of talent in the field. It should leverage that talent in a way that allows the company to improve the ecosystem with better software, hardware and features.

Battery life and Bluetooth performance need to go hand-in-hand

Fitbit Versa Lite review

One area where Fitbit trackers have always excelled is battery life. Even taking advantage of features like heart rate and sleep tracking, you can still get close to a week of battery life on most Fitbits. And battery life is an obvious area where Wear OS can improve.

But Google shouldn't only focus on the battery life of its smartwatches. If you've used a Fitbit in conjunction with an Android phone -- particularly one of Google's Pixel smartphones -- you'll know that they absolutely destroy your phone's battery. The same is not true with iOS devices. If wearables are going to be a major aspect of Google's Android strategy moving forward, then Bluetooth performance needs to be as good or better than it is on iOS. Likewise, Bluetooth performance and battery life can't be an afterthought on Pixel smartphones. Part of the problem with a lot of wearables is that they're a burden on the most important device in people's lives, that's something Fitbit has, for the most part, been able to avoid.

Make it social

Fitbit Versa Lite review

One of the underestimated strengths of Fitbit's platform is its social hooks. If you've ever bought one of the company's trackers for a family member, then you'll know how much your parent or sibling seeing your daily stats can motivate them to reach their own goals. Fitbit wisely built a lot of functionality that encourages people to engage in healthy competition.

For example, one of the things you can do in the Fitbit app is take part in something called Adventure Races. These essentially see you doing the digital equivalent of a tough mountain hike. Along the way, you can see how you're doing against your friends and family members. They can be easy to overlook, but more so than any feature Fitbit offers on its trackers, it's the social ones that keep people hooked. Studies have found that fitness trackers can help people with their physical health, but the main issue is that most people stop using their devices a couple of months after buying them. By making the experience social, Fitbit has been able to turn some users into dedicated fans. That's something Google shouldn't underestimate.

More than anything, what Google needs to learn from Fitbit is that Wear OS doesn't need to be everything to everyone. The reason so many people love their Fitbits is that they do one thing and they do it exceptionally well. Apple eventually came to the same realization with watchOS. It was only after the company stopped trying to create the "next big thing" and focused on how the platform could help people with their health and fitness goals that the Apple Watch became more compelling. A similar focus is essential for Wear OS if it's to have any chance at denting Apple's hold on the wearables market.

All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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2019-11-02 14:26:28Z

Here's how Fitbit can help fix Wear OS - Engadget

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Now that Google's acquisition of Fitbit is official, the question is what the search giant will do with it. When the news broke on Friday, Google's Rick Osterloh said the company sees the deal as an "opportunity to invest even more in Wear OS, as well as introduce Made by Google wearable devices." For the time being, then, it looks like Google plans to leverage Fitbit's expertise to another push into wearables.

Earlier this week, we speculated on some of the ways in which Google's purchase of Fitbit would be bad for wearables. However, there are a lot of things Google could learn from Fitbit to make Wear OS a compelling platform. The important thing here is that Google doesn't do what it has seemingly done in every other situation like this, which is to change its mind after only a short while.

Make fitness fun and easy


It's fair to say that Wear OS is already a competent smartwatch platform. What it lacks is a strong fitness component. There's a lot Google could learn from Fitbit here. To start, the most important lesson is to make the experience fun. For a lot of people, working out is a chore. What Fitbit has always done well is add a sense of whimsy to something as mundane as walking 10,000 steps a day. Anytime you finish your step goal or walk after a long period of sitting, Fitbit makes it a cause for celebration with splashy graphics and words of encouragement.

Robust heart rate tracking is a must

If the first new wearable Google releases doesn't feature Fitbit's PurePulse heart rate tracking technology, then the acquisition will have been a missed opportunity. More so than any other hardware feature, PurePulse is the reason to buy a Fitbit wearable. After some initial foibles, the feature feels both consistent and accurate. Moreover, one of the smartest things Fitbit has done in the last few years is make the tech more affordable. What used to be a feature limited to the company's more expensive trackers is now something you can get on the $100 Inspire HR. Reliable heart rate tracking should be a standard feature on Wear OS devices, not a nice add-on.

There's a lot of ways in which Fitbit's PurePulse heart rate tracking could make Wear OS a more compelling platform. One example is Fitbit's Cardio Fitness Score feature, which leverages the company's heart rate tracking to provide you with an easy to understand way to improve your fitness level. Heart rate tracking should be at the center of any attempt Google makes to try and create a compelling fitness platform because it would allow the company to most directly match the Apple Watch's more advanced fitness features.

Fitbit is more than just Fitbit

Fitbit Inspire and Inspire HR

In 2016, Fitbit purchased smartwatch startup Pebble's talent and intellectual property. It's hard to say what came out of that purchase other than the Fitbit App Gallery, which was created with help from some of the talent Fitbit acquired in the deal. The fact Fitbit seemingly never did more with Pebble's tech seemed a missed opportunity. Pebble had a lot of interesting ideas about how smartwatches could complement a smartphone, particularly as it relates to notifications and user interface.

In addition to Pebble, through Fitbit, Google has also acquired talent and technology from Vector, Coin, Fitstar and Twine Health. Between Friday's acquisition and its Fossil purchase earlier this year, the company now has a wealth of talent in the field. It should leverage that talent in a way that allows the company to improve the ecosystem with better software, hardware and features.

Battery life and Bluetooth performance need to go hand-in-hand

Fitbit Versa Lite review

One area where Fitbit trackers have always excelled is battery life. Even taking advantage of features like heart rate and sleep tracking, you can still get close to a week of battery life on most Fitbits. And battery life is an obvious area where Wear OS can improve.

But Google shouldn't only focus on the battery life of its smartwatches. If you've used a Fitbit in conjunction with an Android phone -- particularly one of Google's Pixel smartphones -- you'll know that they absolutely destroy your phone's battery. The same is not true with iOS devices. If wearables are going to be a major aspect of Google's Android strategy moving forward, then Bluetooth performance needs to be as good or better than it is on iOS. Likewise, Bluetooth performance and battery life can't be an afterthought on Pixel smartphones. Part of the problem with a lot of wearables is that they're a burden on the most important device in people's lives, that's something Fitbit has, for the most part, been able to avoid.

Make it social

Fitbit Versa Lite review

One of the underestimated strengths of Fitbit's platform is its social hooks. If you've ever bought one of the company's trackers for a family member, then you'll know how much your parent or sibling seeing your daily stats can motivate them to reach their own goals. Fitbit wisely built a lot of functionality that encourages people to engage in healthy competition.

For example, one of the things you can do in the Fitbit app is take part in something called Adventure Races. These essentially see you doing the digital equivalent of a tough mountain hike. Along the way, you can see how you're doing against your friends and family members. They can be easy to overlook, but more so than any feature Fitbit offers on its trackers, it's the social ones that keep people hooked. Studies have found that fitness trackers can help people with their physical health, but the main issue is that most people stop using their devices a couple of months after buying them. By making the experience social, Fitbit has been able to turn some users into dedicated fans. That's something Google shouldn't underestimate.

More than anything, what Google needs to learn from Fitbit is that Wear OS doesn't need to be everything to everyone. The reason so many people love their Fitbits is that they do one thing and they do it exceptionally well. Apple eventually came to the same realization with watchOS. It was only after the company stopped trying to create the "next big thing" and focused on how the platform could help people with their health and fitness goals that the Apple Watch became more compelling. A similar focus is essential for Wear OS if it's to have any chance at denting Apple's hold on the wearables market.

All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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2019-11-02 13:30:17Z

Diablo 4's Brutal Combat Is A Return To The Series's Dark Side - GameSpot

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2019-11-02 13:00:03Z